Frequently asked questions about LLC formation in New York
Q. First of all, what's the deal with the New York LLC legal publishing requirement?
A. Under New York law, all newly-formed LLCs must publish a series of legal notices for 6 weeks in two newspapers, one weekly and one daily. These notices must be placed in certain designated newspapers in the county in which the LLC is located. Unfortunately, publishing in counties such as New York (Manhattan), Kings (Brooklyn), Queens, Richmond (Staten Island), Bronx, etc. are VERY expensive and can cost $1,200 or more for the publishing alone. It is the single most expensive part of forming an LLC. By taking advantage of our unique process, you save up to about $1,000 in publishing costs.
Q. Is this legit?
We are more than legit. We've been doing this since 2005 and have helped start almost 15,000 businesses. A simple glance at our reviews on Trustpilot will tell you all you need to know (never less than a 5-star review!).
Q. How long does the formation process take?
For most LLCs, we deliver your documents (including your EIN and operating agreement) either same day or next business day.
Q. How long does the publishing process take?
While the advertising itself runs for 6 weeks, the entire process can take *about* 9 months. This is because the NYS Division of Corporations has fallen behind in processing filings by about 8 months. The good news is, you can get the whole process done within about 10 weeks simply by choosing expedited processing at checkout. Also, please note that you do not have to wait for publishing to be completed before you can do business. You can start immediately upon receiving your LLC formation documents.
Q. Can I do this myself?
Of course you can attempt it. But where would you even start? Who do you call? How do you make sure you get it right? One simple mistake can mean that you need to do the whole process all over again and pay the state, the newspapers, the filing fees, etc. again, costing you a fortune. If you let us handle it, there are no headaches for you, and you're going to pay LESS what you'd spend on your own anyway. We don't make much on each sale, as we rely on volume to make a few dollars.
Q. What do you deliver after I order?
Our deliverable consist of a certified copy of your Articles, the official state-issued filing receipt, your EIN, and your operating agreement. These are the 4 items you need to get start your business, open a business bank account, etc. After publishing is completed, we deliver an electronic copy of the state-issued "filing receipt" which is proof of compliance with the publishing requirement.
Q. What do I have to do or file afterward?
Nothing! That's what makes our service so special. Many other companies send you affidavits and documents for you to file with the state. Not us! We handle it all start to finish.
Q. Do you offer discounts on multiple LLCs to establish?
Yes! If you have two or more LLCs that you want to form, let us know and we'll provide an even further discounted price quote.
Q. Do you offer discounts to lawyers and accountants?
Yes. If you're an attorney or accountant that regularly forms LLCs for your clients, let us know and we'll work out a great price for you. We work with lots of lawyers and accountants.
Q. How much experience do you have with this?
We have helped over 18,000 people and we've been doing it since 2005. We don't know of anyone with more experience with LLCs in New York.
Q. What about all those outfits who send me mailings advertising their LLC publishing services?
Ignore them. When you order LLC formation through us, we handle the legal publishing as well. No need to go to different places to get everything done. We're your one-stop solution.
Q. How will I know where & when my legal notices are running?
If you email us about 2 weeks after starting the process, we'll be able to tell you the exact newspapers & dates of publication. We usually respond very quickly.
Q. How can I make payment?
Our order form accepts all major credit cards, Paypal and pay-by-check. We even have payment plans!
Q. What is a registered agent and why do I need one?
First of all, we need to initially establish ourselves as your RA in order to tie a Rockland County address to your LLC (and save you a lot of money on legal publishing!).
A registered agent is important to have anyway. An RA is a person or entity appointed to accept service of process on your business’ behalf. If you're not around during business hours to personally accept service of a lawsuit, the case against you might be able to move forward without you even knowing you were sued (i.e. "default").
The registered agent has a physical address within the state and is available during business hours so someone suing you can easily find you. It is the RA's job to accept delivery and forward it to you in a timely manner.
Note that registered agent services typically cost somewhere between $100 and $300 per year (Legalzoom charges a crazy $249 per year). We charge just $99, only after the first full year for free. For some business owners, it’s well worth the fee to not have to worry about losing a lawsuit without even knowing they were sued.
Q. My question is not answered here.
No sweat! Just reach out to us by email at You'll be amazed at how quickly we respond. Or call us at (518) 227-1288. Or just click the CHAT button below.